Miracle Football Club

Player Profile
Match Statistics
Photo Gallery
Soccer Formations & Systems
Our Crest
Contact Us

On this page I'll include links to related sites. If you notice any broken links, let me know. Also let me know about your own favourite sites so that I can add it.

SocialSoccer - The home of amateur football which provides an alternative avenue for amateur teams to meet.
Google - Enables users to search the Web, Usenet, and images. Features include PageRank, caching and translation of results, and an option to find similar pages.
Yahoo - The first large scale directory of the Internet, now a major portal offering search engine results, customizable content, chatrooms, free e-mail, clubs etc.
Schwarz Star Football Club - Home of the super falcons. Includes information such as team profile, player of the week etc.
Miniclip - Fun games for people of all ages.


Live To Play, Play To Ole!!